Who can join?
u3a membership is not related to a specific age group but to a period in your life - the Third Age. Anyone who is not in or seeking full-time employment can join the u3a.
What does it cost?
The annual subscription for 2024/25 is determined at the AGM which is held on Tuesday 12th March 2024.. The cost per member is now £17.00pa (or pro-rata). For details about the different ways of paying please contact the membership secretary either at the monthly meeting or as detailed above.
What does my membership include?
# General monthly meetings with a wide range of speakers
# Interest groups where we can learn, laugh and live in accordance with the Third Age Trust tenets.
# There maybe some additional charges for attending some interest groups where meeting rooms are rented.
# Charges will also be made for travelling visits (unless we car share).
# An opportunity to make new friends enjoying their Third Age.
# General monthly meetings with a wide range of speakers
# Interest groups where we can learn, laugh and live in accordance with the Third Age Trust tenets.
# There maybe some additional charges for attending some interest groups where meeting rooms are rented.
# Charges will also be made for travelling visits (unless we car share).
# An opportunity to make new friends enjoying their Third Age.